
The Council

Sustainable Building Council Greece

Sustainable Building Council Greece (SBC GREECE) is an independent, non-profit, organisation and the official member of WGBC in Greece.


Our Vision:

To establish a sound sustainable culture and behaviour throughout the diverse nature of the built environment stakeholders in Greece.


Our Mission:

To lead and facilitate the transformation of the built environment and its communities in Greece, to plan, develop, construct, maintain and operate sustainably.


Our activities:

SBC Greece strategy is deployed in three main pillars:

  • Research & Education
  • Certification & Rating Systems
  • Consultation & Advocacy

Articles of Association & Strategic Plan

SBC GREECE was founded in 2015 in the form of an Association and its operation is governed by Greek law and its Statute. Furthermore, a 3-year Strategic Plan for its development and activities has been developed.

Board of Directors

Alex Athanassoulas

Alex Athanassoulas


Dimitrios Managoudis

Dimitrios Managoudis

Vice President
Spyros Konstantakis

Spyros Konstantakis

Alexandros Archontidis

Alexandros Archontidis


Pantelis Levantis

Pantelis Levantis


Kostis Katsakioris


Akis Kekridis

Executive Director
Alex Athanassoulas

Alex Athanassoulas


Dimitrios Managoudis

Dimitrios Managoudis

Vice President
Spyros Konstantakis

Spyros Konstantakis


Alexandros Archontidis

Alexandros Archontidis


Pantelis Levantis

Pantelis Levantis


Akis Kekridis

Akis Kekridis

Executive Director

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the Association’s supreme and sovereign body,
reflecting the will of the Association’s members.

Founder Members

The founder members of SBC GREECE comprise of companies, bodies and individuals who are highly active and successful in the wider area of sustainability of the built environment. They represent a wide range of designers (architects, engineers, statics, etc.), academics, builders, contractors, sustainability consultants and auditors, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, non-profit institutes, lawyers etc.

Special Committees

The areas of activity of the Special Committees stem from the Strategic Pillars of SBC GREECE’s development. The objective of these Special Committees is to develop in-depth activities and within the field designated for each Special Committee.

Research Programme Committee

Development of collaborative and research projects

Certification Committee

Support, promotion, adoption and development

Education Committee

Educational seminars and events

Consultation & Advocacy Committee

Representation and promotion of SBC GREECE goals

Committee of Experts

Promotion and enhancement of scientific activities

Circular Economy Committee

Circular Economy and built environment


Become a member of SBC GREECE